THE DARKEYED MUSICIAN: The Faerie Ring on November 16, 2021 celtic folk celtic mythology +1 celticmusic enchanted forest epicfolk faerie music faerie rings celtic folk celtic mythology celticmusic enchanted forest epicfolk faerie music faerie rings
TIFFANY APAN: Lullaby on November 16, 2021 celtic folk celtic mythology +3 celticmusic dark celtic music epicfolk hans christian anderson tiffany apan viking music celtic folk celtic mythology celticmusic dark celtic music epicfolk hans christian anderson tiffany apan viking music
CHAOS ANGEL MUSIC: Streets of Valhalla on November 16, 2021 celtic mythology celticmusic epic viking music + epicfolk celtic mythology celticmusic epic viking music epicfolk
THE DARKEYED MUSICIAN: Song of a Shieldmaiden on November 16, 2021 celticmusic epic viking music epicfolk +2 shieldmaidens the darkeyed musician viking music vikings celticmusic epic viking music epicfolk shieldmaidens the darkeyed musician viking music vikings
TIFFANY APAN: SKYE BOAT SONG at FORT HENRY DAYS on November 16, 2021 from sea to sky jacobites +5 living history outlander outlander book series outlander music outlander tv series reenactment scottish folk music skye boat song from sea to sky jacobites living history outlander outlander book series outlander music outlander tv series reenactment scottish folk music skye boat song